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  • Ana, you're insane T A T Thank you so much for paying to get my dreamie Diana! I'm so grateful, thank you so so so much :') ♥ bless
    Okay gruff is moving out @ w @! I'll be over in a minute XD;; thank you so much for your patience @ w@ sorry about that, I thought I had room!
    Omg I picked up a villager from someone's void @_ @! I'll TT someone out asap q _< SORRY I JUST NOTICED it should be like 10 mins or less orz
    Hahaha kitten that's you when you post on the forums hahaha
    Oh thank you so much kitten *drinks coffee* x3 Maybe a cake would be nice hahah cx
    well I'm about to shower so maybe I'll feel refreshed hahah cx
    Thank you kitten ^^ see you soon
    peek a boo cx
    zzzzzzzz x3
    Hi kitten ^^ hahaha another day to more ugh and no coffee hahaha x3
    I hope you're fine :3
    Maybe I'll nap again now ahhaha x3 zzzz *yawn* hahaha x3
    Oh kitten cx see you ^^
    Hello ^^
    hahaha oh kitten xp haha x3
    Hope you're having an amazing day ^^
    Hahaha I took a nap after I posted that VM hahah x3 I'm glad you love the sleeping kitty ^^
    Is that me? Eating cotton candy? Hahaha since I'm bun bun hahah x3
    Hahah I love that bun cx
    Oh kitten x) haha x3 have a good day ^^
    Hey there kitten ^^
    Hahahah cx oh boy what a crazy week I had haha x3
    Good morning from me x3
    I hope you're doing so wonderdul in this beautiful day cx
    Hi kitten ^^ I hope you're feeling wonderful!
    I'm feeling ugh hahah cx as usual
    Oh kitten you never fail to make me smile and laugh everyday :) thank you for that x)
    See you soon kitten ^^ hope you have a wonderful day x3
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