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  • huhu i keep refreshing the list and you still dont appear... theresa right?
    btw, I'd like to order a female fomantis with a sunstone! (posted in your thread hehe)
    i'll get some for now since i'll still have to catch low-level pokemon hahah
    -Eevee holding lucky egg

    (btw was there a shiny eevee..?)
    actually i'd like to order! just waiting for my laptop to open bc it's hard posting on my phone hahah
    btw aw i didnt know you had a shop for evolution items! huhu i already confirmed a trade with someone before seeing your shop thread :(
    sorry again for the late reply! just got home from college dorm, so now i really have the time already hahah i'll try contacting you again once i see you're online :)
    omg sorry! had to focus on school because final exams hahah let me know when you're available! :)
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