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  • I'll just be getting some :)
    -Eevee holding lucky egg
    that's the really cool thing about fursonas-- they can change and be anything you want! i've seen some very basic characters (i consider arle to be pretty basic save for her wings?) or they can be super whacky and colorful! play around and see if you get a base design that you like, then as time goes on, let the fursona become what it wants to!

    i know a lot of people also make fursonas out of adoptables they collect, whether it be a human adoptable that they turn fuzzy or an animalistic one that they make even moreso, if you're a fan of adoptables!
    haha thank you!

    my signature was done by wearthesun, click there and it'll take you to their commission thread, their stuff is gorgeous quality and very reasonably priced!

    As for my icon, yes, that's actually my fursona! I've had her for years now, she's the character I use mainly to represent myself!
    hi again! do you have free time on tuesday and/or thrusday? I'd like to get back some (not all.. no funds for too much pokeballs i realized T_T) pokemon if you have the time :)
    i know!! i was kinda shocked when i opened the game because there were so many good pokemon hahah

    and yeah sure! you can keep one of the ditto and its destiny knot, no prob :)
    thank you so much!!!! <3 i'll message you when i can get them back :D thank yooouuu
    this... is gonna take.. a while hahah would it be ok if i'll have them returned another day since im still gonna have to restart everything :) ..and because this might drive us insane hahah huhu
    it doesnt appear.. but trading takes place in the festival plaza right? link trade?
    "shauna" :) im already in the festival plaza thing (this is where to trade right? hahah)
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