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  • I gave it to sakura, but I'm not sure if she used it yet. Yesterday, she couldn't figure out how to use it, and she went to sleep.
    Hey dude. I notice you're selling a lot of shinies. I was just wondering are any of them nicknameable/are you up for anything other than TBT as payment? (As you can see I'm kind of short on it and have already promised 100 of it to someone for breeding me a shiny tyrunt =~=) if not I completely understand, just think it never hurts to ask.

    Would've pmed this but...
    yeah i understand. note that thing takes up 17000 blocks i was told i was shocked anyway send me a list i might buy some stuff.
    i have to go but ill be on tomarrow send me a link or pm with what u have and how much.
    what are the ice and rock and i forget the other 1 called they dont have to be shiny i just like them cant remember name.
    yeah i dont like looks of that one sorry im kinda picky that way. Im a odd 1 :)
    well heres think i have never owned a shiny pokemon before so i want my 1st 1 to be a really good poke i like

    I was thinking a Shiny Tauros with a Attack nature. cause i really like that pokemon.
    Yes please! Milkdubbs should be there to help you shortly (gonna trade him to me for a sig) :)
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