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  • ok~ its only 11pm so we might miss each other a little bit. Just VM me and we can work it out :3
    It was really confusing because they put 'pics?'
    it turned out someone I added was getting pics from someone else :/
    Okay, i dont have time this week, since i have exams, maybe during the week end? Im GMT +8 :) how much are you offering? :) it's alright, im not asking much for him.
    I have Kid Cat, but I'm not sure if he's still original. I can try cycling and if he wants to move would you like me to let you know?
    I don't think villagers have greetings when you get them, but I changed his to "Hello, citizen." I LOL every time he says it. I think it can be changed by Isabelle if you don't.
    Almost. Original clothes, catchphrase. The wiki has him with a TV on the left below the oil barrel, but I got him with a shirt there and I think he replaced it with a different shirt. The rest is original. If it happens any time soon, I'll give him to you. I got him from the void when someone came to pick up someone else.
    I was planning to void him. I can let you know when he's ready to move. I'm not planning to actively TT him out, though.
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