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  • okieeee since im on my 2nd ac account can I drop off the bells and sloppy set first? @.@
    Hey, I noticed you have Rosie not marked as a dreamie but in your town, and lobo marked as a dreamie but not yet in your town in your sig. So I was wondering if you'd like to trade since I have lobo and want Rosie? :0
    okiee, the shinys i received were Reuniclus, Purrlion, Zangoose & Registeel
    and to replace the Emolga can I get the Cottonee pls? c:

    I can possibly trade tonight around 10pm EST, let me know if you're avail?

    ---- EDIT --

    So my order was previously
    Registeel, Zangoose, Clamperl, Finneon, Kricketot, Cobalion = Sloppy set
    Reuniclus, Emolga, Purrlion, Chinchou = 1mil

    Changes ~
    Registeel (recieved), Zangoose (recieved), Clamperl, Finneon, Kricketot, Cobalion = Sloppy set
    Reuniclus (recieved), Emolga changed to Cotonee, Purrlion (recieved), Chinchou = 1mil
    Sorry, I might come home late since I'm went out for dinner with some friends. I'll let you know tomorrow? o:
    Hi! Are you still interested in Merengue? She's in boxes in my town so if you want her you can have her for the 15 mil that you offered on my trading thread.
    heyyy, we were in a middle of a trade but then you cancel and went offline, is everything alrighty? o3o
    meloetta, lilligant, seel, groudon, and then I asked if I could also get darumaka, vanilite, axew, hoppip lol
    ok, take your time :) oh btw idk if you saw my second post, but I wanted 4 more pokemon...? if you don't have them now, I can just pay you the 2mil now and you can give me the rest whenever lol
    your inbox is full, but I'm free now for the pokemon!! Mind trading on ACNL first? :)
    I just wanted to thank you both for helping me get Zucker. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much!
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