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  • Thank you ObeseMudkipz and LadyScion. Even if I don't get Zucker, it makes me so happy that you both tried so hard. You guys are the best. :3 I can never repay you for your kind gesture.
    Uhuhhu I'm so sorry ;_; I still can't catch you online.. the weekend is soon however :c
    Lol thank you although i would like it too be a little bigger,but i did get it because i <3 south park also i didn't think other people on here watched it XD
    Daw well if I do happen to get him in boxes I'll let you know and maybe you'll have room then :3 and sadly I had Wolfgang which I was also going to give away in my cycle town but he was one of those weird ones that decided not to ping and I lost him to the void TT
    Hey I saw you post in my lolly thread and saw that Vic is a dreamie of yours? I was gonna restart my cycle town after I get Lolly out but was wondering if you'd like me to try to get Vic out for you first since i have him? I can't promise anything but I could surely try xD I can't PM you cuz your inbox is full :3
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