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  • I get most of mine from buying them on the forums, honestly. xD; It's the fastest way. A lot of people are selling for 530 treasure per gem right now, and a lot of people are advertising buying for 510. Occasionally there'll be a thread buying/selling somewhere between the two rates.

    The gem rate fluctuates since it's based on supply and demand. It goes without saying, but it's advantageous to buy as low as you can.
    I'm still working out an exact price for one, but my TBT consultant and I are toying with the idea of around 15k gems. I just made around 3k gems in two days or so, so it doesn't sound too out of reach?
    also regards to the pokemon if we cant be online at the same time, it's alright so if anyone else wants it go ahead by all means
    Oh lol ok :p, well if you send me a PM on flight rising you can add treasure to it at the bottom, there's a box. Just add 20k and once I get the message I click collect then it's taken from you :). I can send the TBT at any point you like.
    Well it's 4.50 PM right now here :), whenever you're free let me know I'll be here and on flight rising on and off all evening while doing other things :). if you PM me the 20k on flight rising I'll send the TBT right over :). My name on there is PixieSparkles.
    Well I need a cranky villager, so mainly Static. I also would love Tia, Eloise, and Stitches. Thank you for keeping an eye out!
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