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  • oh gosh sorry i never came back on. guessing you let her go, i dont blame you. i dont have space anyway

    I'd suggest not breeding your two new dragons for a little while, I'll explain more fully when I'm home and back on my laptop.
    Nice! I'd say make your account after school because you might want some extra time to decide on your first dragon's species and colors without rushing.

    My username on FR is Xanarcah, same as on TBT. (: Here's the link to my profile so you can add me when you make your account, and also so you can oogle some dragons in advance. xD;


    I'm planning on giving away some hatchlings tomorrow to new players, as are a couple others in the TBT FR thread, so come on over there tomorrow and see if any strike your fancy~
    Sorry ... I've been away for a few days so this reply is late ... Awwww ... No can do with darling little Hamlet :(
    My 3rd town is full and that is where I would have put him!
    Yesss, you can register tomorrow! : D I'm really excited for you. xD; Did you look at the different breeds of dragons yet?


    You can choose your starter dragon to be a Fae, Guardian, Tundra, or Mirror. The first one you get you can choose the combo of the first two colors, and this dragon is like the leader of your clan. I think of them as being pretty important, but others don't. Make sure you choose a color combo you like. : D

    Signups are between 5:30AM pst tomorrow, to 5:30AM pst Thurs. So that's like... 7:30AM for you? There's no limit on the number of people who can sign up, it just has to be within that 24 hour time frame. I'll come around and bother you about it tomorrow toooo. xD;

    And that's totally fine, I'm not in any rush for the TBT. Did your friend ever get back to you about the codes?
    If you think you'd be more comfortable in Wind, I'd say go there. Wind and plague are like opposites. xD; I can guide you through it via pm or on Skype, we don't need to be in the same Flight. Flight choice can make a lot of difference in your playing experience.
    I'm in plague, so I can tell you more about that one. xD; plague is all about strength and adapting and survival. We put a looot of emphasis on fighting in the coliseum and being strong at Dominance. We're a little gory and traditional welcomes include being sneezed on and maggot confetti. We have a lot of medical students/people who are interested in diseases, and there's a lot of really informative posts on that sort of thing.

    Wind is the artistic, silly, energetic, lighthearted flight. Their mascot is the corgi and I think they have a lot of forum games and random chatter. They're said to be wanderers at heart, loving to travel around and never being bound to a single place. Most of their members don't care much for fighting or being amazing at Dominance.
    From what I remember, Shadow has a lot of younger members. Their forums are more silly and have lots of cookie jokes/references. They're shaping up into being a Dominance machine, and recently went toe to toe with one of the other Flights that is considered a powerhouse. I hear they have a lot of really well established threads dedicated to helping their flight members, like a food kitchen and lair expansion fund.

    I hear Lightning is full of nerds. Lots of engineers and I thiiink I heard a lot of Anime-watchers. They love being organized and using spreadsheets. Lots of "GET BACK TO WORK" jokes because that's their deity's catchphrase.
    For the Flight Rising registration in a couple days. When you make an account, you choose which of the 11 elemental flights you want to join,
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