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  • That's true! You could pm me about it if that's okay?
    I'm not participating, by the way(just so you know I'm not asking so I can be some type of egg hunt ninja lol) :D
    Hi Oblivia! On the thread about Zipper T. Bunny, you said you could tell when people share answers. How exactly can you tell? I'm pretty curious :)
    12 cocos is gonna be awesome if they ever come off unique!
    you're definitely the queen of cocos. she'd be proud cat mom. :D!
    I already did make a thread there. I don't even really remember why I was banned tbh.
    Hey did you get the pm I sent you?
    The pms I’ve been sending haven’t been showing up on my sent tab.
    oh man, idk if this is what ur un is from, but i just recently was introduced to some of klayton's music projects and his song Oblivia is so great. scandroid is beautiful. ur beautiful
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