wildworldgirl Mar 23, 2014 Hi! Sorry I didn't get back to you. I would be interested in buying the items you have listed on my thread excluding the alpine low table. How does 40 TBT sound? I'm really bad with TBT value so let me know if it's too low!
Hi! Sorry I didn't get back to you. I would be interested in buying the items you have listed on my thread excluding the alpine low table. How does 40 TBT sound? I'm really bad with TBT value so let me know if it's too low!
ALLCAPS Mar 22, 2014 I have all the zodiac items ready to be cataloged. :3 Tell me when you're available for trade~
french toast Mar 21, 2014 Sure, I am still here so anytime now is fine. I will need your code. I have Katie so I'd go to your town if that's fine.
Sure, I am still here so anytime now is fine. I will need your code. I have Katie so I'd go to your town if that's fine.
french toast Mar 20, 2014 If you still have gyroids, I need: Tall Alloid Tall Gargloid Mega Oombloid Tall Percoloid Mini Rustoid Mini Squelchoid
If you still have gyroids, I need: Tall Alloid Tall Gargloid Mega Oombloid Tall Percoloid Mini Rustoid Mini Squelchoid
S S Sasha086 Mar 16, 2014 Ok, whenever u are ready, I can drop off ur items what is your friend code?
Reese Mar 15, 2014 Hi! I see you're online, are you available to trade now? (6 black tulips for your cacao tree)
G G gazelti7 Mar 13, 2014 Perfect, could you trade right now? And your town or mine? Also your inbox is full