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  • Can you change the admin's username color to where they change into all six colors (red, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta) by fading?
    I didn't mind. Needed to customize for the badge anyways. Send whatever you think is fair. ;)
    I'm going to be honest, my wifi is being wacky. I think at night at my house everyone's trying to sleep to televisions that are using wifi so it cuts it short. Not sure. I'll be available all night for the most part. How do you want to work this? Delivery or pick-up?
    My FC is 2165-7155-0645.

    Going to get my gates open.

    Please come as soon as possible.
    i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me but... your name really changes colours right?
    It's really beautiful, and the purple goes nicely with the black and white ^_^

    I see, for a minute I thought there were more admins now, and was wondering how they got selected xD I found it so confusing. Thanks for clarifying!
    I figured Laudine did your avi... it looked like her style. The purple looks so nice tbh.
    Rip your poor feathers :(

    Omg though now I'm craving that freaking cheese quesadilla. Mexican food is pretty great,,
    Thanks for all of that. That reminds me that I actually left my hot sauce at home, and I'm not even going home this weekend so I'll either have to wait or go out and buy some. Also I only have sriracha. My family sucks and we've never had hot sauce around because they're wussies and can't handle spice.

    (Btw I'm not one to suck souls from others... you're talking about yourself I'm pretty sure).
    I meant your avatar, but it's nice to hear that side too...
    You still need to tell me what kinds of things to use sour cream for (don't say eat me or my soul plz)

    But yes the purple... and the purple candy.
    And where are your feathers
    What is this madness
    Is it because you're still bitter over purple pansies not winning?
    Your username is so cool right now! I think glowing usernames should be an add-on in the Shop, to be honest. We could pick the two colors we wanted and our usernames would switch from color to color until we deactivated the item.
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