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  • Ha! He is charming! Really! We saw it this past weekend. OMG! Soooooo good! Have you read the book?
    Have you seen "It" yet? The mouth on your avi looks like Pennywise's when he opens it all the way. LOL.
    Runny ketchup is not fun... when I did my weird cooking entry I used ketchup and even though I shook it, some runny stuff came out and almost ruined my entry.
    I'm glad you did... ketchup is just so great. :p Haha for sure, man that sounds good now but I never have sour cream around. Mostly because we never have a need for it at home. Even though I moved into res, I don't know what I could use it for.. (teach me your ways)
    My gosh though Ricky, he deserves an applaud, managed to change Oblivia's life in more ways than you could imagine. xD
    Oh, so that's the story? How could you run out of ketchup though that's terrible... :(
    I liked it too, I also had ketchup too and one point they sorta got mixed up which I didn't mind either.

    Oh my gosh really? Now I gotta try that too...sounds reminiscent of a baked potato with sour cream lol.
    hey oblivia.... if i win the perler bead raffle and i dont say nothing.... its because il have a cut from power because of the hurricane irma coming to puerto rico so yeah..... i wont have light for a long time...
    also hopped you liked my pixel art
    haha thank you !! :D I'm really digging the monochrome thing you got goin on myself.
    Are you and the others sick of the silly apple tags I like adding in the event threads? I thought it was funny to add these apple tags, but seeing them get deleted tells me that the staff are finally sick of the apple tags.
    thanks for the jar tickets!
    but gah- my raw math number assuming 100% packing efficiency was 1155, then i arbitrarily reduced it by a chunk. #kickingmyself
    Hey oblivia
    We pass the record of 1690
    So ha there a new record and none of you 3 stop us
    (Don't take that harsh I was just saying it in a funny way)
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