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  • whoa- that dark candy has re-arranged time and space. no wonder they can't be brought back....
    What happened to the color of your avatar? Your new avatar looks like a 1920's horror film.
    I really love your new avatar and signature combination! The black and white avatar made me jump a little when I saw it, even though I drew it myself hah :p
    I see, it seemed official because it was an annual event.

    Thanks for letting me know. c:
    It's only a coincidence. I'm just saying that the day you joined is on the opposite day of the year as the day I joined. As for the birthdays, I just find interesting to find other days on the same day of the week.
    I noticed something about you. You joined exactly six months before I joined. That means when you reach another milestone, I am half a year away from another milestone. When I reach another milestone, you are half a year away from another milestone.

    Also, whatever day of the week my birthday is on (like Monday), your birthday will be on that same day of the week, except for leap years that is.
    I haven't seen any major site updates. Are you guys still working on a big project for the site (like building a radio tower for the site)?
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