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  • Do you know when the Discord will be open again? I downloaded it just to join!
    I think you're the coolest mod tbt will ever have! pls never stop being awesome <3
    Yes, I can talk to my pet apples, but they don't speak English. And if they speak a certain dialect of their language I don't understand, I can use the translation tool. They knew where all the eggs were, which is why you guys took away the translator. Can I have that back now that the event is over?
    Now that the egg hunt is over, can I have my apple language translator back? Somehow, the answers to each clues is the English translation of what my apples were trying to tell me.
    Hey Oblivia!!! I've got a shiny shaymin that I got from a friend that has original trainer name as Oblivia!!! Wondered if it possibly came from you originally???
    You have no idea how happy I am to be getting rid of this old long annoying username, I've posted the thread for the username change. I'd like to thank you again for your help since I'm a noob at username changes. (if that's even a skill)
    Hi Oblivia, I'm thinking about changing my username and I'm not sure if the username I want is available for use, so I was wondering how I could be informed if it is available for use or not, some help would be really appreciated thank you.
    It said i have 4 eggs. I want to get the poptart egg (costs 3 eggs) but it says i have insufficient funds. o_O?
    Just providing you with your daily dose of lenny faces ( ͡ʘ╭͜ʖ╮͡ʘ), you'll thank me later
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