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  • Hey, sorry to bother you, but I bought the user title change yet when I changed the color it never actually changed colors. Could you help me out? If you can't, that's okay. I presume I just did something wrong!
    Hey oblivia you know I made the admin one
    (The one where we count before one of you guys come) well I made the admin one
    Just so you know... Pop sometimes :p
    Can you PLEASE help me with a user? He is CONSTANTLY posting about things that don't relate to topics!!! He is making me SO MAD!!!!
    Good! I missed seeing you around ; u;
    and on Discord as well ~ lol were you away for vacation or something? o:
    Where would I put a thread asking people to join me in a giveaway to get rid of their flowers?
    ahhh, thank you! :3 I KNOW~ I've spent a lot *cough cough* on gems because I'm such an instant gratification person with my dragons ;u; I was originally going for earthy/natural colors for my lair but the PASTELS ARE CALLING TO MEEEEEE
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