FanGirlCookie May 3, 2016 You're super cool kthxbai Also, with that new thread about username colours, i have been told that grey means someone who was "cursed" or something. Don't know if anyone has told you yet, but yeah c;
You're super cool kthxbai Also, with that new thread about username colours, i have been told that grey means someone who was "cursed" or something. Don't know if anyone has told you yet, but yeah c;
Jake May 2, 2016 Nice mini mod Nice mini mod
Jared:3 May 2, 2016 Yeah but now those people won't accept me, I try to order, and they said I'm not allowed to, I'm done
Yeah but now those people won't accept me, I try to order, and they said I'm not allowed to, I'm done