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  • you make it sound like a few years is nothing, I'm not going to stay here for long, as im pursuing me dream, I find it petty that you think a few years is like 1 day lol
    hi i accidentally sent tbt to the wrong person! it went to Murabito instead of Murabito. and idk how to fix it! i sent 90 tbt, so can u please help me get it back so it can be sent to the right person?
    Hi, I just sold a villager to a user named leobloom, but he sent the tbt to a user named Murabito (my username has a . at the end). Any way you can fix this?

    also, the user he sent it to has been inactive for about 2 years.. and has never made a post
    And IL use it when my acnl signatures are updated to date
    But for now it just stay with the old one until I get that sig update
    Then IL take it but thanks for doing it
    Yes I learn so much from here from the months I have been
    That I respect how everything is lay out so much organized and yet everything so details because I was in mobile but them learn I could have put it full site on my phone and learn so much
    That I always check first before doing it :)
    Btw this is the best forum I have ever got into :)
    Oh thanks :) (I dint edit it, it was a friend so I dint knew much)
    IL use it when my acnl is done but for now it stay the same
    But thank you so much oblivia I dint wanted no more me passing signature rules so that why I ask first
    That isn't fair, I needed those to buy a dreamie, and I hate how if I put lol, I get an infraction, it's unfair, I have 5 infractions, 3 of them are from post quality .-.
    Hi oblivia, my bells that I had like 26 are gone, I only have 7, I don't know where they went
    Sorry my internet keeps lagging!
    I'm stuck on this rockface with really bad reception but at least there's some murder mystery written on the cliff for me to solve until I can get out??

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