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  • i tried to use an underscore too, but whenever i try the system deletes it for me and just goes back to melanie. i also tried seeing if it was just the name but whenever i try to type a space or underscore or anything besides a letter or number it deletes it for me
    "melanie martinez" i went to the register page to see if it was taken and it wasn't so that's not the issue
    haha thanks, just saw you edited that. well i wanted to ask to be sure. plus, my fakemon is really cute too, if you didnt already see it, his name is Syllabub:
    hey you might also want to mention in your giveaway whether you care what the winner does with the prize to avoid any future misunderstandings (i've noticed some people care, and some don't, re whether winners sell/trade/re-gift the prizes)
    can our cute picture entries be something we had already created? I see some other users have posted pictures they used in other giveaways, and I kinda wanted to do the same if its permitted...
    Just to let you know, the situation was fixed, it just turned out the person just hadn't seen my messages. Thanks!
    you should be getting a free party popper as a fringe benefit! i'm gonna file a protest...

    unless it really is a party pooper you're looking for, in which case, i say Good luck! (don't tell the other mods, but i've spied several party poopers among them already...)
    Hi, I'm new to TBT, so I'm not sure if this is how I should go about this and apologize if it's not the right area, but I have a problem with a transaction here (with another user) on TBT and want to get it fixed, and people were saying I should contact a moderator, so here I am. Please let me know if you're who I should be asking, and thanks.
    I need u back on the firdt page of my VM's pls it's lonely without u ��
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