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  • oh. i was browsing ladt years egg hunt thread and there was an egg labelled as 'for sale' so i thought it can be bought with tbt haha
    "Closing this before it turns into a floodgate of complaints. Please forgive.

    We (the staff) don't ever disclose specifics about individual bans, but it's almost always the same situation: a person repeatedly breaks one or more of the forum rules and continues to do so despite..."

    Ah, it's possible they're just unconfirmed account or something but more often than not they have a visitor messages page but no option to leave a message, increasing the odds of them being banned. Anyway, that's all a fair enough response if there are dozens of rules people can be breaking. :p
    ^^^^&&&&....>>>>*******^^^^^u;;;;; __ ;;;;;u^^^^^*******<<<<....&&&&^^^^
    "Take me to your leader" - Scary eyed alien
    How many kittys do you have? I'm personally down to 3 atm, but i've had like 5 kittens in the past, yet out of the 5 Seamus and my oldest Muffin are the only ones left. My sister got a new, tiny little cat which we named "Scout" from To kill a mockingbird since she's all greyish.
    Ok you, i'll be able to show you my gorgeous, innocent cat Seamus in atleast a 15 minutes
    You'd better watch your back.

    "Oblivia is a left-wing extremist trying to take away our freedoms. When Trump is elected, he'll make TBT great again by making it legal to punch protester thugs like her like in the good ole days."
    I dunno. it looks a different style than other collectibles; plus the shops listed some as purchased from you. but if not you... then who?? :confused:
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