MiloticTrainer8 Apr 25, 2014 Thanks for letting me know about Beardo. I was at work :'( so I couldn't get him.
ACNiko Apr 21, 2014 Hello Oblivia! I noticed that I forgot to send Wi-Fi feedback from when we traded some stuff a few weeks ago, so I'll just do that now. Have a good day.
Hello Oblivia! I noticed that I forgot to send Wi-Fi feedback from when we traded some stuff a few weeks ago, so I'll just do that now. Have a good day.
English Apr 15, 2014 Hey Oblivia! <3 Just wanted to let you know I'm good to come pick up Flurry whenever! ' v ' <3
Cuhdalie Mar 31, 2014 Drop off please! The town and mayor is Harrison of Erebor but same FC, What's your FC?
Cuhdalie Mar 31, 2014 Hello! You wrote on my thread about having a bunch of trash, if it's still available, I'd love to have it!
Hello! You wrote on my thread about having a bunch of trash, if it's still available, I'd love to have it!