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  • My arm and leg hairs are precious you aren't taking those from me

    With trombone, both arms actually do get a work out haha
    One with the slides and the other by simply holding the damn thing up

    From what I saw, the only difference was that there was a little finger hole on each bit and everything was handpainted. I think it's made of wood and was handcrafted
    Yeah but it gifts me with even more pain

    Both hands technically work just as hard. You're normally using two fingers to pluck the four strings, since the constant moving would be too hard with one. The hand that plucks the strings is normally going twice as fast as the hand pressing on the frets.

    I looked online and I saw a custom one for 500 dollars. I was like "whaaaaat?"
    I still got inches to go before I finish growing taller

    I'm good with the fingering on the frets, since all you have to do is make sound is press down on one of them and pluck the other string in unison.

    I got super close, getting to the fourth step, and now I need a new one because the sliders are broke.
    I still get a lot of growing pain ;-;

    Kinda like me with bass, though I haven't been playing that long. I can play well in the C scale but I'm horrid outside of it.

    Have you ever solved a Rubiks Cube?
    It gives me a lot of back pain.

    I've seen people on YouTube who play it, and the skill levels they play at are amazing. It's hard to believe that these people haven't been playing for 24 years, rather more than half that time.
    5"9, you, if you're okay with telling?

    The violin is amazing! It's really quite interesting to see what people can do with it.
    5, including me.
    They were all older, too. I didn't really fit in. I was barely their height (Only taller than one guy and the girl) and was also the only person who had brown skin. Kinda awkward.

    I played in grade 6-7 so I have a basic understanding on how to throw properly and how to catch, luckily enough.

    Favourite instrument?
    Hey there! So I guess we'll do an art trade! :)
    What would you like me to draw for you?
    And if you could draw her for me that would be spectacular! ^w^
    We had a team at my school, but there weren't enough joiners.
    Kinda sucked, I think regulation needs 6 girls and 6 boys (3 of each on the field or something) and we only had 1 girl, so the team was canceled.

    It almost is aha. My arm gets sore after a while though so guess it's pretty accurate as one.
    Yeah I searched up butter chicken poutine and New York fries showed up haha

    Ultimate frisbee is kinda like football, as in the football is a frisbee. However, there is absolutely 0 physical contact involved and you cannot move with the frisbee. You're moving he frisbee to an end zone to try and score a touch down. It's actually really fun!

    When I played trombone in my one month program, I actually already knew how to make sound. I was the only trombone which kinda sucked because I had nobody to help me if something happened, the teacher called me an MMA fighter because of how the notes worked aha
    A B would be the first slide position (without moving the slide) whilst a C would be last slide position (at the end of the slide) so things would get really hard when we played O' Way Susanna
    Butter chicken poutine? I'll have to look that up..

    Yeah, I do! I play soccer and floor hockey (since I can't skate whoops) and ultimate frisbee at school. I'd try basketball but I can't get by a baby to save my life.

    Yeah, band instruments are surprisingly easy. I managed to choose one of the harder instruments (trombone) in my one month band program, and one medium difficulty (bass) in my year-long program. Both were fun though!
    Butter/Chili chicken + rice is a godly combination

    Maybe when I get a job and stop playing sports I'll be able to pay for lessons. I definitely want to start with piano, since according to most piano players every instrument is easier when you play it.

    Apparently clarinet players are able to learn the saxophone really easily. Is this true?
    Ikr rice is so good
    You should have it one day, it all smells bad but it's tastes really good.
    Trust me.

    Violin? Luccckkkkkkkkky
    I can play elec. bass guitar and a tiny bit of trombone.
    I've always wanted to play piano and violin but my mom traded in music for sports for my sisters and I. We never got lessons.
    I love Pizza
    But I'm more about rice tbh. I'm of Indian descent so we eat a lot of homemade Indian food (the best kind). We can just pack it all on our rice, it tastes amazing haha

    Play any instruments?
    More into alternative rock/rock/old rock, video game music and piano music. Sometimes I listen to Japanese/Korean music but I have no idea what they are saying so I just listen to the music aha
    Not one for heavy or louder songs though, I've always been on the soft side

    Favourite food?
    Y'know, I've never asked this, but..
    What kind of music do you like?
    If you're comfortable with saying, of course
    I'll probably just replace the strings :p

    My sis got her learners not long ago. Well, long ago, but she wasn't able to drive because ics in the winter and rain in spring.
    Well, I'd suppose you made the right choice with that haha. Sorry about the breakup though </3

    Iiiiiiiif I remember correctly, you were going to grade 11/12? I'd suppose twelve because you have your learners.
    That old thing? Haven't played it in a few. The strings aren't so... intact.
    They broke. :p
    Also, it was a bass haha

    Wow, that's... Pretty much everything I do on my summer break in a nutshell.
    If you don't mind talking about it, what happened with your boyfriend?
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