• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • yeah that cat was really farty lol didn't help i was watching a movie while that cat being in my lap all the time way back lol when i was at my cousins' :3

    haha yea you dont wanna!
    yeah i think it's one of the hairy versions lol x)) he's horny asf so when I watched him on friday all he did was trying to screw me for the first half hour then he slept lol!

    bahah aww <3 talking about sleep i should but meh i had coffee too late anyways
    Ahha, thank you! She was my last dreamie (well besides Whitney) that I needed. I can now stop TT'ing, lol. Again, thank you so much!!
    YES, i would gladly take her! If you're available now, can you give me like 20-30minutes?? I'm on my way back from school and i don't have my 3ds :(
    a hairy chinese crest something lol he loks like frank zappa XD aww border collies are cute : >

    most of our says hi cause it's a kinda small stairway place but ya lol i can feel if they don't tho
    no he's two i think in may :3 but no they didn't remove that stuff, no so he humps everything from rabbits to kids and slippers lmao..

    oh god... lol but ya our neighbors are mostly young dudes/couples or old people so they don't really care much what you do cause it's an apartment building.. fun though cause it's badly isolated. X))
    nah he's just humping around everywhere on me lol xD

    haha ya i hate that too.. or when they just talk loud on the phone or turn the tv up x2355
    ya and she hasn't called yet so im crashing the place anyways lol haha!

    yeah sometimes she does that at 7-8 am which is worse unless i really need to get up lol
    no i was supposed to watch their dog (doing it tomorrow as well though unless they crap again) and she didn't text me until the same (tuesday) morning that her son supposedly was at home anyways siiigh. oh well she offered payment for the day so i guess im fine. gonna crash the place anyways.. like frickle frack you guys...

    ah well im old too :p not too tired other than mom waking me up with the vacuum cleaner around 9 am >>
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