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  • i'm ready, but i have to update my system first. what was the price? totally forgot lol.
    Sure! I can add another 5TBT on top of that x) I've opened the gates right now, so come on over when you're ready x)
    Of course! I was just thinking the same thing! I'll quickly hop back on and open the gates!~ Btw if theres anything you ever need feel free to let me know! ^^
    no worries let me know, I'll most likely keep my gates open but still vm when you're ready please in case they closed!
    thanks again, can't wait! :)
    I think they accidentally shoved them into the river, the river was close enough for them to, I just didnt think they would do it ;-; Plus I noticed as soon as the balls disappeared, so did Skye and Sprinkles. xD And its fine! Take your time! If you want, you can come and always message me later on when you find it!
    No worries! In the mean time i'm looking for my balls of snow ;-; I lost them while placing the bells and I think Sprinkles and Skye may have moved them. (They were awfully close to the balls and where I was when placing the bells; they are dorks who live nearby and side by side.
    It's fine! I actually just finished laying out all the bells xD I still have to add you, but if you haven't added me yet my fc is: 2509-4794-4138
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