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  • Anytime! I like helping people :] ^^. I had fun shopping too; Idk why it's fun. :p (IRL I hate shopping unless it's shopping for books or video games :p). No worries :) I'll send you one tomorrow if I have time before I go to my friend's house. :] For some reason I can't send TBT or wi-fi ratings on my phone's internet app.

    Awesome, much appreciated again. ^.^
    Thanks for the trade :]. Let me know if you ever need help finding something or if you need signatures or whatnot :).
    Yup. Oh, that's good to know. :] I don't mind ^^ it was nice of you to let me get Kiki's petition signed in the middle of this; and either way, this trade is mainly for you :) so, yeah. I don't mind if you don't. I hope you don't mind the mess there; I ran out of room for my villager pictures xP. I have your furniture by the tree. :] And btw, gift bags, pants, and stationary are all gifts for you so don't get confused when you see them there :).
    Finally done :]. Let me know when you're ready to trade or if you want to post pone it. Sorry again that it took so long and ty for being so nice and patient with me.
    Thank you very much for letting get that signed ^^. I'll let you know when I'm done getting your items and ty for your patience too. :) I really appreciate it.
    Oh, you haven't seen my town yet xD. still far from being fully developed; I have to destroy some public works too because of bad placement. Then there's the problem of grass deterioration and having to start over landscaping by scratch :p. And I promise not to run. :)

    o.o error. Try reopening :]
    Don't worry about it ^^ Ankha wanted me to show her my house. And I'm the one that is taking awhile at everything :p
    Hey :] Do you mind if I come to your town for signatures real quick before I get the rest of your things? ^^ Kiki wants some by the end of the day. I can pay you if you want.
    Don't be sorry. I should be going faster; I'm just trying to be careful that I don't lose any of my villagers while I'm doing that. ><
    I'm still not ready yet. >< Sorry. Do you mind waiting a bit longer? I'll need to TT a couple more times ><
    You didn't need to respond right away :p. I'm only in a rush if you're in a hurry for your items :p. I just answered your PM with two :p I forgot to ask you something in the first one that is why there'll be two messages. :p
    Hello :). I sent you the links to the lists of the items I have in a PM. :) Sorry that it took me so long but now you have a complete list to look through and pick from if you still want me to order you some items to trade.
    If you don't mind :]. If you're in a hurry, I understand and can order you what I listed or what you want from it specifically; I just thought you might want to have a bigger selection than what I gave you; and it'd help you complete your catalog more than what I could remember I have.
    hey. :] your inbox is full :p
    I was just going to tell you that a few of those items I actually already have --such as the mortar wall, the citrus wall and cd shelf (there might be more). I guess I haven't thoroughly updated my list. Sorry if you already ordered them. I'll still trade for them :p. Let me know what specifically you want; I'm also going to send you a finished clothes catalog in case you want more clothes and accessories. It was too late last night when I posted in your thread and I had to go to work this morning. I'm looking through my catalog now to give you a complete list to look at before I order, so you can pick out the specific ones you want me to order.
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