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  • Ah, I have been waiting for you to come for about 30 mins since I sent you a private message.
    Can I close my gate once? Please PM me again when you are really available.
    Hi, I PMed you a few mins ago~. And I forgot to insert this sentence between "Oh, and" and "please".
    "Once we completed," ^ ^;
    Roscoe is waiting for you~.
    Oh, hi. Thank you for the message~. I might be able to give you some technical advice, to let specific one out a little more efficiently, if you need to know it.
    Should I tell you this?
    oh nice! I'm glad!! They haven't even SHIPPED my wireless modem so I'm kind of mad about that.
    Hi Orieii~ :)
    Are you helping people again? As you kindly did it for me awhile ago? This time Stiches? XD
    It is really nice of you, also a bit crazy like me? hehe. I have Stiches in my alt town, as you know, and some of my Japanese friends releasing him these a few days.
    By the way, about Roscoe. I really want to wait for you to come as long as possible, but I want to start TT in a few days. Since I got new villagers and have to make space for the new one.
    Is it possible to make space for Roscoe in 2-3 days?
    Yeah, I've been looking for him for quite a while. I won him from a raffle, but the person hasn't been online for two weeks. :c
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