Haskell Jan 13, 2017 Might've found someone else to put my second favorite knight into boxes. If not, I'll ask you to put him in boxes. The knights are cool.
Might've found someone else to put my second favorite knight into boxes. If not, I'll ask you to put him in boxes. The knights are cool.
Haskell Jan 12, 2017 Modern town 1st? Or Fairy-tale town 1st? Modern is going to be named Verona. Fairy-tail is going to be named Everleaf.
Modern town 1st? Or Fairy-tale town 1st? Modern is going to be named Verona. Fairy-tail is going to be named Everleaf.
That Marshal Fangirl Jan 12, 2017 I no longer need the clovers, so I'd be happy to pay 20 TBT for the hat and pants from the Fueki set.
I no longer need the clovers, so I'd be happy to pay 20 TBT for the hat and pants from the Fueki set.
Haskell Jan 11, 2017 Will you be on tonight? I think I can re-add her to my town... not certain though. will bbl