P. Star

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  • We cannot seem to be at the same time, if you still have the fairy flower set please just send me a private message when you're available so i can get an email notification and i'll be right here :)
    great! can you hold him until tomorrow or does it have to be today? (pst time)
    Alright, let me know when you can get her into boxes! I'll be on and off most of the day.
    Vivian – Snooty
    Dobie – Cranky
    Drago – Lazy
    Julian – Smug
    Vic – Cranky
    Sterling – Jock
    Knox – Cranky
    _______ - Uchii
    _______ - Peppy
    _______ - Normal

    Fill in the Uchii, Peppy, and Normal?
    What about Soleil and Coco?

    Would you think it would be a better pair than Ankha and Fauna?
    Did I miswrite that? Drago, Julian, The Three Knights, Dobie, and Vivian are my villagers.

    I am deciding over Ankha A Male Monkey, Sylvana, Fauna, or Erik?

    ^ I can only pick two out of those.
    should I have these be my villagers?
    - Drago
    - Julian
    - Sterling, Knox, Vic
    - Dobie
    - Vivian

    - A Male Monkey OR Ankha (Simon, Flip, Deli)
    - Sylvana

    OR WITH...
    - Fauna
    - Erik
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