Sorry for the late response!! Week has been crazy and took it out on games or reading a book, rip.
Omg I am so happy I bought heimer and got him in aram LOL. His turents are so annoying but the kills $___$!
Upset how there was not really a harrowing this year :'( I like playing w/ people & earning the icon.. esp the mode Doom Bots LOL.
Nails makes good money.. but I don't have a license & don't think doing nails is my specialty haha. Omg I looked up about Wendy's paying under min & apparently there was a lawsuit going on months ago.. yet they still do it -o-' Yep :'( My area is pretty much poor since we live in a government housing? sorry I'm dumb LOL. Hopefully moving to the west side of Vegas which is not so bad! <: ahh sorry for typing a lot. But how are you? ♥