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  • Adding you rn! I keep trying to send you the tbt but it keeps taking me to a different page. Let me try a few more times.
    Hey! I'm on rn if you'd like to trade! (also how much tbt do I owe you? I completely forgot...XD)
    Yeah you see lamps are bright and lovely to keep on the side of ur bed so ur a lamp
    a lamp. l.a.m.p. You can capitalize the l if you want it to be more alpha.

    uh I mean hello what's up
    That's good to hear. I'm okay I guess, yesterday was a bit rough but I'm better now.
    Also wanted to say that I still have Dotty in my town. :p
    (cont.. sorry I type a lot, always getting char limit)
    nioce, working not far saves money and time :cool: esp when they call you in or somethin!! & noo :( sometimes I help out my aunt at her nail salon. but I stopped because they got more workers to do nails. I applied to some places, got an interview from wendy's but they wanted to pay under min wage.. $7.50 and nevada is $8.25. Hopefully will apply more when I move!! where I live is so... not safe.
    LMAO omg heimer is so troll but op. my friend used to play him in top lane, omg it worked out until we got challengers that were playing in a new ranked team. rip. Ya! the recall is in there and I spammed my santa veigar skin LOL, i'm like yes!! most skins I like have my fave animation so I was happy for that being added. omfg the poro ori skin is so cute! <3 I was hoping for a soraka snowflake kinda skin before her rework... spam Q and see snowflakes falling from the sky B)

    yup!! there was only one vid.. hoped there would be more tho ; ; ugh I want to swap my client with the jap voices too!! I wanted to do it with the korean one but yeah.. how to do that?? LOL.
    my bf does the same with his mastery icon LOL, i'm like ur mean. omfg I spam my laugh too when ppl spam at me, like ha who is laughin now!! I love that they updated recently to 'recall' in aram LMAO. it is easier for me to press spacebar than make a binding ;; my fave champ to taunt is heimer because his voice is interesting . . . omg and did you see the voice actors for the Japanese server?! dies. I'm sucha weeb but I love voice actors haha.

    Ooo froyo shop!! I wanted to work in one during 10th grade but it was too far from my house ;; LOL and yeah winter is super slow, so you can pretty much do whateva!!
    I mute people who keep spamming taunts or jokes throughout the whole game LOL.
    I taunt but omg others just bind to a spammable key & laugh all day. cough mostly in aram. :(

    Aww!! Hope everything goes well this week for ya <3 Where do you work at, if you don't mind me asking? ^^
    ikr.. and he wanted adc but mains top lane G__G
    Oh man I do mute a lot of players but I like reading what they type?? LOL sometimes I try to encouraging them to relax or somethin' which works like 50% or I ignore.

    How was your weekend though? :)
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