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  • Freya stopped herself from moving and id done too much progress to reset -.-
    Oh well, how did your auction go
    Yep! :D It's no problem~ I'll look out for your other dreamies :D

    How has your day been? :)
    Thank you for bumping ^_^
    I am sad She's leaving, but i have her picture so ill always remember her :p
    Omg I totally forgot about your commission x-x

    I'll probably be able to get it done tomorrow if you still want it, orz
    I was 6 when i first played Animal crossing (gamecube one)
    i then was addicted to wild world for many years
    City folk sucksed though :( i only played it for 1 month, i just prefer the portable ones
    Thank you ^_^ i need some to leave, and ive had my file for 6 weeks, but i like them all so its difficult ;/
    and thank you! nice to meet you too
    Good. This is going to be the greatest writing contest ever! At least until November.
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... You do know that if you don't do this now, you'll be shunned forever, right? ; D
    Oh hey, writing contest is up and running! I also sent you a PM about it, so you should look at that. : D
    LOVE: Timbra, Phoebe, Pekoe, Bob, O'Hare!!
    You have good villagers ^_^
    except Gigi, that thing is just scary
    It's been pretty boring tbh :p just sorting things out for college, like stationary :L
    Who's in your town btw? :D eventhough you have 5 copies, so i mean your main one xD
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