Marceline Aug 21, 2013 bby ur siggy and avatar are beautiful... who is the amazing artist? o: <33345667 I'm so jelly of their skillz )': I'm crai
bby ur siggy and avatar are beautiful... who is the amazing artist? o: <33345667 I'm so jelly of their skillz )': I'm crai
Marceline Aug 18, 2013 Frosam sounds the best LOL XD asgsd it wasn't a good idea lol XDDDD But it tastes like apples and sugary death so its all good hehehe *-,*
Frosam sounds the best LOL XD asgsd it wasn't a good idea lol XDDDD But it tastes like apples and sugary death so its all good hehehe *-,*
Marceline Aug 18, 2013 Guuurl where you at. Fellowship of the Bling is on at 9PM, DON'T FORGEEEETTTT <33
Mao Aug 11, 2013 Dangggg because someone wants the villager that's moving out. I'll check if it ok for them ^^
Mao Aug 11, 2013 OMIGAWD YES. Slight problem I already have one villager moving in which i got yesterday so I have 10 but there's another moving out on the 14th >_<
OMIGAWD YES. Slight problem I already have one villager moving in which i got yesterday so I have 10 but there's another moving out on the 14th >_<
rivulet Aug 11, 2013 Haha, it's fine. I'm pretty close to kicking Henry out, but I don't have my charger ;v;