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  • I visited your Dream Address! If you'd like to see, I made a post about it here. Your town looks great! Aside from being a little cluttered, I didn't see anything wrong with it. The PWPs were great and the beach definitely gave me some inspiration, haha ~
    Thank you. But as you see once I start venting out I'll be puking very inappropriate words so I should just keep my mouth shut. xD And ooooh! Congraz! xD
    Okay! Someone gave me 30 of each colour bushes i wanted for free so we can actually go ahead and plant them this time. haha.
    Maybe, but I really like whitney, so that's the thing. and I promised my friend I'd hold onto erik until she can cycle out enough villagers for him.
    ahh. I really want bam all of a sudden for my main town, but idk who to let go. I've got 3 uchi's but I love them all. Then I have my 2 peppies rosie and wendy (and i love both of them). I have kid cat who's my jock (i'm tempted to let him go bc I can just put bam in his place) but kid cat is my superhero who fits perfectly with Mira. I'm probably gonna let go of erik once my friend cycles out enough villagers for him. Then there's Whitney who's just gorgeous and my only snooty, and then there's Fang who's my only Cranky. ;-;

    I can't remember how the formation of the water paths and bushes went. like i know the water path was gonna make a u shape around the stone tablet, but i can't remember if it was one space away or if it was literally right next to it. ;-;

    hnng. i can't find it. ;-;

    it was basically a fairy circle but it was around a pond and it didn't have mushrooms like most fairy circles do.
    lol sure. i'm free tomorrow so why don't you come back over tomorrow?

    it had like a bunch of pink and white flowers around it (probs roses or carnations) and it had a cute little fairy like qr code around it too. i'm checking my blog to see if i reblogged it or not.
    i remember the area around the stone tablet and i kind of remember where the statue was gonna go. :p

    i'm gonna find that pic first. i thought i saved it but i didn't. ;-;
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