i was right by wendy's house when I went to the home menu to check to see if someone added me back and it looked like her house was missing in the little preview. so i had a mini freak out before i realized she actually hadn't moved out.
If there's a slot that seems to be about the size of an SD card then yes, just put into the slot. then it'll bring up a window and there should be an option to open the folder to view files. then go into the dcim folder and there should be a bunch of other folders inside it where you can view all your pictures and stuff.
Do you have your own laptop or a computer with an sd card slot in it? cause then you can just put your sd card from your ds into your computer and open the pictures and save them all. or you can post to miiverse and save them from there onto your laptop or phone/ipad/tablet or whatever. either one works lol.
awe! well it's okay! lemme know when you're on and i'll open. ^.^
also, sorry I'm just replying. I had friends over until about 7 my time and then I cleaned for an hour and then played a bit of super mario world. lol.