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  • Ah~ felt at ease, as y'know, I'm kinda bad at doing things quick! xD
    And sure, Doc came to my campsite not even two days ago. Come see him later if you want. ^^
    Ah no no no, its not! I'm happy just didn't want to mess up if you wanted me to make him boxed up on certain date bc I'm too busy these days. ;_;
    Ofc I can hold him temporary. But I can't promise I'll be able to make him boxed up in three days. If you're okay with that give me their name and FC please. I'll come pick him up.
    It means you gotta kick out min one max 8 villagers to get him back. Considering that and how I'm messed busy with Skye and real life I assume it'd be better to ask other cycler. But if you understand that and want me to hold him I definitely will.
    How many do you need to kick out to get him back? I'm asking this bc I'm pretty close to resetting. Just the Skye, if she pings me I'm done with all 50 transportation, meaning time to reset. But, the problem is...she...doesn't ping even once though I've saved and loaded like 730 times. No idea WHEN the f**k she would ping. So... I can hold him, but if Skye pings me before you're finished 16 cycling for Fang, that could be a problem.
    I'll technically have 2 when ankha leaves. :)

    I also fixed up my town a little last night. You'll have to come by tonight and see. :)

    And alright! Let me know :)
    Oh, and I think I'll get Mira to replace Merengue and then when I get Ankha to leave I'll replace her with a jock.

    I think for my jock villager I'll get kid cat because he would probably look awesome with my sailor v bun. :3
    Heya! I can take Fang in, but I will be busy for the next few days. I can try to let you know te next time I get some time, or else it will likely be Wednesday?
    Ahh sorry, been busy. Thank you very much for the delivery!
    And yes, not in rush though. Fang, Whitney, Apple, and Rosie are in my hunting list for a friend. And I made an offer for Rosie just now so I wouldn't have a space till someone picks up my Kid cat.
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