sweetestinsweets Apr 11, 2015 I found someone else who may give her for free, but if not and you don't get higher offers, I currently have 144 bells to give
I found someone else who may give her for free, but if not and you don't get higher offers, I currently have 144 bells to give
ElysiaCrossing Apr 11, 2015 Well i set my time back to 6 am not too long ago. but if you could find someone to hold him sooner than later, it would probably be best.
Well i set my time back to 6 am not too long ago. but if you could find someone to hold him sooner than later, it would probably be best.
digikari4691 Apr 10, 2015 Sorry I couldnt let you stay longer! Had to run to work! Thanks for trading ^^
ElysiaCrossing Apr 10, 2015 when's weeding day? and do you mean like the flower items you can get? cause I just wait for leif to show up and he'll start the weeding session.
when's weeding day? and do you mean like the flower items you can get? cause I just wait for leif to show up and he'll start the weeding session.
ElysiaCrossing Apr 10, 2015 lmao. I literally just cycle and weed in my cycling town. XD and sure. I'm probably gonna start a session within the next few days cause i need to work on my badge some more. I'll let you know when I'm doing one.
lmao. I literally just cycle and weed in my cycling town. XD and sure. I'm probably gonna start a session within the next few days cause i need to work on my badge some more. I'll let you know when I'm doing one.
digikari4691 Apr 10, 2015 Im on now! My town is fine! Let me know when youre ready and ill open my gate for you