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  • Jacques was in my cycling town. If you had told me you were still looking, I would've held onto him for you! :(

    And I'll try! But muffy won't go into a decent spot so I gave up XD I'll plot her again later lol
    I didn't like the first map I decided on, so I reset and finally found a better one lol.
    I still haven't been able to get muffy in though ��
    I feel like Kyle's appearance fits the big bad wolf look, but personality wise he doesn't. I'm gonna get kyle first, then if I don't like him I'll swap him out for Wolfgang
    and yeah, I suppose you're right. Guess I'll swap out Beau for snake then.
    I picked ruby because of the japanese legend of the rabbit on the moon.
    Kyle is gonna be the "big bad wolf"
    but I may replace beau. I'm not sure because I do really love him and I haven't cycled out enough villagers to get him back yet.
    Hmm. I am looking for a second henchman, so maybe I'll replace one of the other villagers and get him.

    who should i replace though?

    and not off the top of my head no. but i can take a look!
    He's a ninja, so he's gonna be the evil villain's henchman. XD

    The names I have for my chars are Celestia (the princess/mayor)
    Lucian (the prince)
    and Zara (the villain)
    They haven't been completely decided but so far I'm thinking:


    I'm probably gonna have my mayor be the princess, and have two other chars be a prince and an evil witch. :3
    Rosemary is more pink/pastel than anything else. XD

    but I've been wanting to name a town Astoria for the longest time and it's got a very fairy tale like feel to it
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