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  • I'm getting ready to make another trade but then we could trade if that works for you. :)
    Hmm. Are you letting them stay or go? If they're leaving just tt to their moving date. If staying, go forward roughly 4 days.
    Its 12:20 pm at this moment. And no, you don't need to stay up, Leeling. Seeping schedule is very important. Ah.. do you happen to have sweets sofas? If you do I can wait for a day or two.
    ah. well sorry i couldn't hold him! try going forward 4 days from the time someone pings to move. if you say no, then you can go ahead 4 days and talk to a villager or two to see who wants to move out. if you just get a rumor about yourself then go day by day until someone is rumored to leave. do this until the villager you want out pings you to leave.
    haha okay. do you mind having them wait til tomorrow night at least? a villager is in boxes and someone reserved them. If they don't pick them up by tomorrow night i'll put the villager back up for sale and it's a tier 1 villager so they'll sell fast.
    I'll have to wait for a call by next friday to see if they want me to go back in for a second interview.

    and sure. I'll check my cycling town and see.
    Hi there! Price would be the same but you can pick another painting or statue of you'd like!
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