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  • xD Mint is my proxy and I brought Coco, your favourite village ever, with me. :D
    You've downloaded full games?? I would never do that with my small 8gb of space. I would have gotten the 32gb Wii U, but I'm probably going to sell my Wii U at the end of the year for a Japanese region Wii U. Yeah, a hard drive would be a good investment. Make sure you find a good stable one because I've heard of the data becoming corrupt randomly when used with Wii U.

    Why???? :O
    Your towns good as it is. I don't see why you would need a different layout. :(
    Leila is camping in my town. :c Why do I always get birds and penguins?

    Aw, ok. :p Goodnight!
    Mitzi still says 'bed'. xD
    Sounds like it's Kanroku. :eek: The tower is done! I went forward a day so it's up now. 8D
    Aw. :3 Is it okay if I still visit those villagers at some point? ^^
    I have to reregister you too.
    Poor Shizue. :c Find a good map yet?
    If you get a good layout and it has ugly villagers, don't reset because of them. They can move out. :)
    No, but I'm trying to find these two gyroids that make a "WAH" noise to put into Club 444. :D

    Another name idea: Quartz
    It won't live up to it if there's random items thrown all over the ground. :p Not that I mind, since it means gyroids for me. 8D
    Maybe you'll get David. :3
    Poor Kiki. ;_;

    What kind of name do you want for this town? I can start throwing out random suggestions.

    Random town? Carrot Town? xD;
    5 letter limit? Potato is more than 5. :eek:

    I'm looking forward to meeting your villagers. :D
    They weren't. :) I'm glad she picked a good spot.

    Gracie has an awesome wig in stock today. :eek: I am in love.
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