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  • Aw. x3 It's cute that they mentioned me already.

    Mitzi mentioned Funkio and sang the town tune for me. Haruke mentioned the old Andrew too. :p I guess he's wondering when that Andrew will visit him.
    Chief is awesome. :D

    Your Antarctic town is thawing out.
    I saw a dream town where all of the villager lived in the lower part of town. The upper part had most of the player's characters living there and almost all of the trees were cut down. ._.
    I think it would count. It seems to count when there's a disconnect and everyone has to rejoin (as long as I saved before the disconnect which counts their visit).

    Yeti moved? ;_; But I just met him.
    I have a fossil for you. 8D -tries to bribe- lol
    I am shameless.

    Most of them are bronze though. :c I'm too lazy to work on the letter badge.
    xD; Good timing, Tutu...

    If you had come back, that would have counted towards the train station. 8D; -ulterior motives-

    Have fun with that. :p Once I get my NA town up and running, I'll use it to try to get the badge for visiting towns.
    No, I haven't been mailing the furniture to them; it's all been bought from R Parkers or they asked for it when I had it in my pockets.

    I could say no, but then I'd feel bad. xD;;;

    Good luck getting all of those shops!

    I'm around 85/100 now. Soon I'll have a nice train station. ^^
    Ok. :)

    Whenever I have furniture that can be customized, the villagers ask for it. When I have a furniture that can't be customized, they never want it.

    It will take a long time to get that gold remake badge.
    I have no idea, but it was really weird. D: He looked possessed.

    Did the penguin move yet? :D
    Good night! ^^

    Yeah, there's some green shoes that go with it too. :D

    I saw your tumblr and that picture of Wendy; Hamsuke did that once, except he was outside, and he was wandering around all over town, but he didn't look like he was walking; instead it looked more as if he was drifting around while thinking (no walking animation). I thought he was gltiching so I saved and exited. xD
    You can raid my Nooks any day. There's some bug shirt Gracie keeps selling.

    I had a thunderstorm in my town on Feb 28th. You may get one too. :)
    I go around 7pm when the grasshoppers disappear. :p

    I will have Katie in three days. Someone brought her over. I can't tt, so it will actually be three days. I'm trying to make gold roses. 8D
    Sorry, I meant the palm tree ones. I got rid of all of the other trees. There are two beetles on the other trees that sell for around 10,000, but they come out after 9?
    I demolished my island and set it up for bug catching. The bugs don't make me as much as the sharks do in one trip, but it also doesn't take me over an hour to fill my box up meaning I have more time to fit more trips in.

    ^^ It's even easier to make a lot of bells in one night than it was before.
    Kind of like my town. I have a bunch of villagers near me. At least they spread out to the upper part of town.

    The tower looks great at night, so it was worth the price. :)
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