It's coming along. I have to demolish a bench and move it over one spot. -__- At least it only costs around 4000 to demolish.
I just need the QR machine, the bench in the right spot, a few more hybrids and it will be done. I may time travel forward another day.
You could always use the disco path in a different area and not connect it to the beach ramp.
They do make a good duo. They're both orange with stripes.
I like your disco path; it's nice to see some bright colours when the rest of the town looks so gloomy.
Congrats on the orange hybrid! Orange seems to be a very popular colour in your town.
The only new one I've gotten is the lighthouse. :c I don't want it either.
Down to 8 already, wow.
I want Gabi to move. He's okay, but I'd rather have a different villager.
I guess the soonest you can get a 10th villager to move in is having the ninth villager set-up the area where their house will go.
I hope you find an igloo soon with a good villager.
I saw the sign post and was all, 'Wait... who the heck is that? -googles-" I feel so bad for forgetting her Japanese name which is "caviar". .__. lol
I keep getting frogs in my town. :c I want one of them to move.
Thomson had a royal cabinet backwards in his house for awhile. It couldn't be opened because furniture was blocking the opening and the back was facing inwards. ._.
Natalie wouldn't sell her jacuzzi to me, but I got her couch.
She spends most of the time hiding behind the divider because there's no room for her to walk around in her own house. ._.
When I was a closer to the end of December, she sent me a letter mentioning January 4. I wonder if that is her birthday.