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  • Go right to the cyclers who have additional towns to find a Holder or you'll end up getting screwed over.
    Sorry, but there's way too many 'ending in 20 minutes...10 minutes...extended by an hour...extended by 24 hours etc.' threads where people are just trying to bump up their prices.

    I find them all shady and have nothing to do with them.
    oh well, somebody on reddit is offering marshal for julian. enjoy him! :D

    but if the deal doesn't go through, i can offer 6.5 million bells + 9 hydrangea starts
    so, so far i have 9 hydrangeas, and about 5mil bells (my friend might let me borrow some for 5% interest)
    I can part with 3 blue roses, 3 purple roses, 4 million bells, and some gold roses.
    edit: I also have 2-3 pink cosmos
    would you also like some bush starts and saplings? i have a bunch of them hoarded in my inventory, if not i'll sell for bells
    I have one pink tulip.... xD Sadly, I'm having horrible luck breeding tulips but roses are fine. How many would you like?
    Sorry I had to go get some groceries! Are you available now? And thank you so much! I really hope I can get him back<33
    i understand that.
    well as much as i don't like it, i'll start time traveling to earn money, hopefully enough lol
    Your inbox is full :p I have blue and purple roses. I also have some gold roses.
    about julian, do you prefer your bells all at once? i'm trying to rack up a few more million bells for the auction, so i'm planning on going to the island, selling aurora and my furniture.
    Hi! I saw your thread of Julian and I'm not offering but I'll pay you 1 mill if I can just come to talk to him and see if i am able to get him from the 16 villager cycle. I won't let him move to my town. Also I have him in my cycle town but I only have 1 DS so I'll have to get him somewhere else
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