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  • Hey Bob is moving out of my cycling town, the one that was originally reserved for somebody else. I thought you'd be interested in him. I can wait but not forever, he is in boxes atm and I gotta get Marina out asap for a person.
    Hey sweetie! it's no problem at all! <3
    it didnt save but myuz and cardigancaitlin came back to help <3 ty for your help yesterday! i'd like to give you your payment x
    Hey darl so sorry about the error! </3
    I'll still give you your payment! thanks so much for your help! you're so sweet and amazing! It's alright, I can re-organise everything by myself tomorrow <3

    Reply back when you're ready to get your payment sweetie! <3333
    Hi! Sorry I fell asleep yday, I don't want you to miss out on cataloging the k.k songs so please let me know when you are available. My time is GMT+11 (8pm right now)! :3
    Your PM inbox is full, so I'll leave this here. ^^ I still need one more jellyfish lamp if you still have it! How many bells would you like for it?
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