jiny Mar 27, 2016 hihi, not sure if you saw my post, but i accepted your offer of 250 c: send tbt when you are ready
Swirl Mar 26, 2016 Originally you offered 500k for cosmos fan, lily record player, and 2 violet screens. Is that still okay?
Originally you offered 500k for cosmos fan, lily record player, and 2 violet screens. Is that still okay?
Swirl Mar 26, 2016 Cool! Could we do your town, because mine is kind of a mess right now? Also, the other person never got back to me, so you can take both violet screens.
Cool! Could we do your town, because mine is kind of a mess right now? Also, the other person never got back to me, so you can take both violet screens.
J J Jeonggwa Mar 25, 2016 It's best if I try again when she returns my 3ds... Seems her connection is not reliable. Sorry for the trouble!
It's best if I try again when she returns my 3ds... Seems her connection is not reliable. Sorry for the trouble!
J J Jeonggwa Mar 25, 2016 It failed before at another town as well, guess it's her internet connection Shut down and reopened, try one more time?
It failed before at another town as well, guess it's her internet connection Shut down and reopened, try one more time?
Swirl Mar 24, 2016 Oh haha that's alright. I probably won't be on five hours from now. Will you be available at any time between 14 and 26 or so hours from now?
Oh haha that's alright. I probably won't be on five hours from now. Will you be available at any time between 14 and 26 or so hours from now?
Swirl Mar 24, 2016 Let me know when you're available to trade, if you still want to buy the Leif items =)
saarahsuper Mar 23, 2016 Really?! That's so nice of you, thanks! On my wait nr. Like I'm in the train xD
saarahsuper Mar 23, 2016 Hi! Is the gardening items giveaway still going on? If so, I can collect it now