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  • Hi! I'll be taking a short break from TBT soon, so if you can, please be available to claim your order within the next 24 hours. If not, I'll just put your items back on the shelf until I open my shop again in May. Thank you for your time.
    Hello, I am online early and I am ready anytime to trade with you. If you do not come online by 10:10pm I will be going offline again.
    Thank you so much and no worries. I think I may have fit too many things into my day as well. Feeling a bit overwhelmed and lethargic so I need to rest. I'll try to catch you tomorrow, just send me a VM when you're ready :)
    I'm not feeling too well today so I'll be offline in about 10 min. If I'm not able to catch you tonight for your order, then we can try again tomorrow. :)
    I will be online tonight at 10:00pm in my time zone for you to pick up your items. Refer to the website link that I have provided in my original post to know what time that is for you. Please let me know if you can do this or not. Thanks! c:
    Sorry for the wait! I'm online now and will be so for most of the day. Just let me know when you are ready.
    Just letting you know that I am online again and I have your stuff ready to collect c: please reply to the thread when you are ready
    Hi, I am back from work.
    I'll be on for a couple of hours let me know if you will be around or not.
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