hello hello it's saturday and i'm alive again! How was the rest of your week??

I'm not even sure where the thread of our conversation left off now except I meant to tell you that when u said Rogers "sounds like a dude just set up a phone tower in his yard" I died LOL it be like that up in canada..
omg and no I was 1 egg short of being able to buy the third Dreamy, even with the nomination eggs ;,( damn my lame riddle solving skills. I got one from a trade tho so I'm good B> Gonna try to be productive this weekend haha I still have to make a bday present for my friend (her birthday was a week ago! T-T) and I don't have anything for Mother's Day aaahhhhh
p.s. I hope your headache is better! (~・ω・)~ saw ur post in that thread, waking up with them is the WORST it's like wtf at least give me a chance LoL