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  • (it's bees, i love bees lol, just imagine some cute lil bees and that's my entry! well at least i hope they're cute lmao). actually i went to subway earlier bc they have a new vegan sub out lmao, i'm the worst for eating badly, i gotta hit the gym! YES the uk is AMAZING for vegans atm, basically all the supermarkets have their own range and there's this brand called quorn (idk if u get that in the states) that do the best vegan food, my favourite is their chicken nuggets, i live off them (having them tonight for dinner lol). i was vegetarian for about 14 years! so naturally i started to think about veganism (and my sister is vegan and my brother is.. kind of vegan), i actually started by doing it 5:2 which i rly recommend! so vegan through the week and dairy at weekend, i don't really think a full vegan life style is for everyone if it's gonna be too restrictive!
    Yaaay I'm happy you enjoyed a day off! : D like that actually cheers me up some hehehe thank uuuuu, I appreciate your thoughtfulness more than I can say ;v; why are u dreading tomorrow ? eep!
    Have a gr8 rest of the night too, talk soon !!
    BWAAH SORRY <3 <3 hahah I'm just all agitated over different things today, feeling like trash >:T I'll get it together eventually Lol thank u bb ily!! & I hope u had a nice day :>
    of course it is
    ive been good! had a nice relaxing Easter, with occasional bouts of egghunt insanity :eek:

    how about you?
    do yo ustill go on FR?
    oh my god, i missed ur vm in the midst of the egg hunt madness i'm so sorry : ( pls forigive me! and ahhhh i'm too shy to post mine (honestly it's not rly that good, i lack any talent) but i will send u it privately if u want (no pressure u're not missing much) AND YES, it started kind of half health/half morals but i'm rly enjoying it thus far!!!!!! i'm not a great vegan tho bc i'm still eating so much fast food stuff tho omg, never gonna get that beach bod LOL, and omg THANK YOU, i just briefly looked through the insta there and saw so many things i recognise!!! wowie some of them i didn't even know were vegan :eek: that's an insta follow, r u vegan also??
    Oh nooo! D; *dumps epsom salt on you* Tell me when I can collect my 5 million high fives... huehue
    seriously though that sucks >:l Looks like I'm gonna have to punch some ppl after all. I just got home too, have to go to a belated easter dinner soon or else I'd stalk the shop with u so I could tell u when they were restocked!! ;< I checked out the 'hint' for egg #21 and it helps me not in the slightest. LoL. I haaaate puzzle clues. I'm glad the egg collectibles aren't dancing 7's anymore though hahahaha
    WHEW thank you <33333 Easter weekend well spent.. lmao! It's definitely time to go dump epsom salts all over my brain and take like a 500000 hour break from my screen. Still wish I could get one of the last puzzle clues so I could buy a Ditto too though D; but at least I can ponder the answers to those without being on the forum lolol good luckkkkk with the rest of the hunt if ur still in it bb and if u don't get a dreamy egg i'll punch someone xo
    ooh I gotta see /runs to look
    omg what u mean, those lines are so clean!! Drawing on an egg is hard >:0 you made it so cute! Lemme just smmmmmash that like button
    your whole existence is perfection <3! but thank u sm my lovely. AND BTW I LOVE UR EGG, so cute and lovely and AHHH isabelle is so gosh darn cute. i'm so sad i didn't make my egg ac related now : (((
    AHH IM ON MY PHONE AND IT KEEPS FREEZING GIANTLY ON MY SCREEN T-T hahah I played the Bunny Day event in City Folk earlier too, Zipper looks a lot more threatening just standing motionless in front of Town Hall like that... D:
    Yaaay what kind of egg are you gonna make? : D
    yeehaw I checked in again just in time, its working now!! added u <3 ok I'll go rest my dumb arse for real now LOL love u!!!
    hahaha whoopsss ironically I gave myself a bit of an eye strain headache from staring at this forum too long so I was about to go lie down but I wanted to add u first but it's not saying i have any friend requests? :0 and i suddenly can't remember how I sent one the first time?!? T-T
    ahhh my shoulder is feeling better but now my head hurty /dead
    Hope u had a nice day ily I'll write back when this headache goes away!! ;^;
    AHHHH omg I thought you automatically got it when I added you before LOL I'm a noob (thats what my nephew says), I'm sorry!!! x>
    SMOOCHES U <3333 thank u, not so tired anymore but I seem to have busted a wing now ahaha totally strained my back/left shoulder on Tuesday morning and it just keeps hurting ;v; thinking of taking tomorrow off.. then spam you all day >:D LoL this work week is just taking it out of me!! I did paint an egg though holla
    Hope you're having a good night qt xoxoooo
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