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  • I just checked her out and she looks stunning! The guise works very well on her. And I totally get what you mean, there are a few specific color palettes I'm after and I know I'll be flat broke if I manage to acquire/gene them. The price we pay for pretty dragons... -_-
    Thank you, and thanks again for giving the cute little dessert Noc a home! I swear this expansion is going to be the death of me... XD
    hahah yeah! i listened to a lot of the game when i was younger... club banger hahahaha. I'm alright! just super overworked at work. my partner got severe dengue a couple weeks ago and it really messed her up a bit. she was off work for 2 weeks so I had to cover for all the work load. now I want to collapse and die haha. how have you been?
    haha i was thrown off for a second by the new name :0 i like it! i'm pronouncing it like 'Pichu' though and i imagine that's wrong lol anyway hi!!! i happened to have had an exceptional day but now i can't sleep. How're you doing lately?? <3
    heyhey hope ur having a great day!! (sorry i didnt reply yet omg *super slow*)
    aw thanks haha it's totally fine! no need :p what are you up to nowadays? how do i reach youuuu now? :eek:
    AWW!! What's been happening? D: I hope this week goes amazing for you!!! You deserve it <3 And D'AWW I'VE DEFINITELY MISSED YOU TOO!!!!
    good!! and not much. took a little hiatus from social media and trying to be a vegetarian for a month haha. I cook korean food and banchan every day now :3 what's good with you?
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