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  • oh i dont have a favorite brand, but i like something thats 100% blue agave (pretty much rules out Cuervo), i like the basic silver tequilas, probably even more than the reposado/anejo bottles, and i like highlands more than lowlands. on hand i have Don Tesoro anejo. i have some reposado mezcal too.
    omg good finally someone who sucks at strategy turn-based combat like i do. B') I have this awesome game for DS called Radiant Historia and I really wanna finish it but I'm such a noob at the combat. I never got to finish FF III either for that matter. /sob But yeah if you get it tell me how it is!! I wanna try it too but I still gotta get that new Monster Hunter lolol. Speaking of strategy games did you ever try Fire Emblem? I remember we were talking about it before Fates was released.
    i displayed tasty cake collectibles all day today-- i didnt realize how much they much look like cherry blossom cake!
    (didnt have time for mochi hunt, imma let u know when i do)
    I was wondering why that looked familiar, I got that in my recommendations on amazon awhile ago and looked into a bit, it looks really cool! I do kinda wanna get it even though Final Fantasy III taught me that I'm really bad at turn-based rpgs that aren't Pokémon lolol
    Actually looking at the website for it now there's even more to it than I thought omg. The art style is really nice too. Is it part of a series or something?
    ikr, it sounds/looks great. i think the foto i got it from also had some sakura tea with it too. it was a NYC restaurant iirc.
    Oh dear, hopefully everything's ok! QQ lmk if there's something I can do. It's good to hear from you again anyway =) I've been quite a bit better than I was last time we chatted, I remember you saying my state of mind might improve with the weather and I think it has hahah
    yeah they look good all together like that!! i've been tempted to buy more since they dropped in price, if Pikachus do the same I can say goodbye 2 my bells
    well i hope they get better. you can pm any time if you want to vent or ask for advice. hang in there!
    hey gurl hope you're well lately!! also forgot 2 mention but nice eggs
    yaayyy bye snow >B) Canada does use celsius, I always have to look up the conversions because when someone says "60 f" it sounds like boiling hot but then I check and it's actually 15 c. hahah Which sounds like a nice day. :cool:

    hmm truu it could always be worse, however I hope in the past few days since my last vm that it has been better than that :lemon: are you caught up on TWD?? I don't watch it (I hate zombies T_T) but I sometimes read about new episodes that come out, apparently the latest season just ended.

    Anyway I'm doing pretty good, I survived a monster migraine and did a bunch of yard work this morning. Now my arms are noodley (I needa start lifting I s2g)
    Same..once again LOL and pls i'm gonna succumb to temptation. ;00 You never finished that one either? I can't remember the last HM I completed actually, I think it was one of the Mineral Town games? maybe?? I got to the point where your kid stops aging so I feel like that's technically the end. :b

    damn that's quite a jump in handheld generations, the DS would have seemed like ultra bad-ass in comparison to the GB. I kinda want to get a replacement DS Lite just for its GBA slots, there's even a grocery store near here that still has brand new DS lites and DSi's which I thought that was pretty wild, I guess no one ever shops in their electronic section.

    omg are you saying I am not cute >:00 lol I don't think XY had any kind of contests in it though, now that I think about it. But yeah the R/S/E contests were for cuteness/toughness etc It was mostly cool because if you could beat them all some guy would make a painting of your winning Pokémon and it would go in the Lilycove museum. <33
    So I'm actually obsessed with an online phone game that I've totally replaced animal crossing with... it's called zookeeper battle. I used to play it a long time ago when there weren't many features, but I recently started again and I am hooked again!!! It's basically a match 3 game but it's player vs player and the more points you accumulate matching the animals, the more attack or defense points you have against the other player. they have different events each month where you can win cute avatars and decorations for your animals it's the cutest thing ever. hahaha I'm totally trying to sell this to you so someone will play with me. :p
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