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  • apparently they had some spies and somebody was posting screenshots of a private chat in an outside website so thats made some feel uncomfortable or whatever
    i haven't been in arcane very long and right when i joined all the drama blew up. at first i liked it and thought it was so n ice how their dom was organized and how they had a lot of quests forums and games, but now i can't say since everything is getting revamped. but i will say its a very open community thats pretty friendly. the forums are very active. in generally, everybody seems to be super nice. hope that helps :)
    yeah x)) the crowns are kinda pretty if you put em on with the right apparel ^^

    and yeah ik they do that sometime x)) never when im on tho :p
    yeah i always try to get one of the favors items each then im good mangoes for the rest, i don't get how people get like 10 each of everything man
    thanks i think i had at least i didn't wake up x.x

    also dang gotta grind currency like mad x.x managed to brew the bamboo falls skin at least yay for xp!
    yeah i dont expect to get the 7, even if i did, long odds catching a candy egg restock. i will probably just buy end up buying plain egg with the 3 i have now...
    yes, everyone was here waiting for restock dark eggs and somehow i came out with 1 of only 5. i dont know yet if i want to even keep it, i just reached a point where none of the eggs were really my favorites so i figured dark egg gives me best options if i decide id rather trade for other things. there are still 7 egg hunt riddles i havent solved, maybe if i get time tomorrow i'll manage another collectible from shop...
    concorda... the red colors are awesome ;D then you def need to see my lair again hah ^^

    a nd congrats ill probs try go sleep soon and dig more tomorrow :3
    sim.. like how even aahhh *flops*

    ahh have fun :D i bought another crimson genone with rust as secondary color earlier.. me and my dergs lol xD
    yeahh and i see :3 good luck with the event there though.. i don't get how some people get like 87 of each ahah xD
    omg!! all those sakura eggs B)) that looks awesome. i'm just waiting to see who gets the gold egg now, i thought someone woulda got it already
    esta mesma.. i think i had nice luck rng during the fire and earth festas otherwise it's been crap asf with my luck im glad i can somewhat brew at least haha.
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